Your fleet management specialist -
Always on Pole Position
Discover the future of your fleet management
mit MSA Fleet Consulting!
The MSA Fleet Consulting has been the fleet management & automotive specialist since 2010. . With many years of experience in consulting & development in the SAP® Automotive environment, we will support you in all matters relating to efficient fleet management.
Discover the future of your fleet and shape the mobility of tomorrow. Optimise your fleet management with the brand new, future-proof SAP®-based fleet management and contract management solutions from the MSA Fleet Consulting.
Imagine your fleet working more efficiently than ever before - future-proof, cost-effective, sustainable. And you only pay for what you need because the solutions are modular. With the ASF (Automotive Solution Framework) and the CMA (Contract Management Automotive), the most innovative solutions for fleet management, this dream becomes reality. With these solutions for future-oriented fleet management, we are revolutionising the industry.
Has your fleet grown considerably over the years and has transparency been increasingly lost?
The administration of your fleet is taking up more and more of your time and you want to reduce these administrative efforts?
Are you finding it difficult or very time-consuming to identify the cost drivers?
Are important dates and (contractual) deadlines regularly or repeatedly missed?
Do you want to streamline, optimise and automate fleet processes?
We offer you:
Modern and future-proof fleet solutions SAP®-based, customisable, flexible & dynamic without compromise.
Reorganise your fleet management and get it up to scratch!
We will advise you free of charge and without obligation and look forward to your enquiry! ❤️
Automotive Solution Framework
Experience the future of fleet management with ASF - an SAP®-based solution for creating customised fleet solutions without compromise. Receive a customised solution tailored to your needs! Arrange a consultation right away and find out what advantages our solution has for you!
Expertise, consulting, development and support
Contract Management Automotive
The CMA is an SAP®-based contract management solution for vehicle leasing, car rental & car sharing. It allows you to create, adapt and manage your contracts quickly and easily!
Our clients
We bring our customers
to the pole position of their field of expertise
A southern German sports car manufacturer
Seit über 10 Jahren betreuen wir einen süddeutschen Sportwagenhersteller nach der erfolgreichen SAP DBM Einführung im Kundenzentrum sowie Werkswagenverkauf. Auch bei diesem Kunden betreuen wir neben der Beratung und Weiterentwicklung von Geschäftsprozessen den Support im Bereich DBM.
Make a quick and non-binding appointment with our experts.
We will be happy to advise you.